Professional Experiences

AI & Data Science Program Manager

HP Inc. (March 2019 - Present)


Project 1: QPS (Quality Predictive System)
**Received Official Recognition for this Project
An alert system is developed to alert managers/operations-managers on the current spike of dispatches in comparison with history using Six-Sigma SPC (Statistical Process Control) methods. We are also developing an IDP (Intelligent Dispatch Process) by finding accurate issues from the conversation of agent and customer using Deep Neural Net.

Project 2: Automated quality analysis of consumer review
Proactive product and service quality analysis using "sentiment analysis" & "topic modelling" on consumer review. In this project, we are also trying to understand the "what customer wants?" (customers' expectation) which provides meaningful insights to improve the quality of product and service.

Project 3: Early warnings Analysis
Analysis of product's quality before launching or just in 1st week of launching. For this analysis, we use many sources of consumer reviews such as "tech-blogs" data, internal HP beta-testing data, and historical case-log data.

Project 4: Automation (Generation of tools to reduce manual intervention)
**Received Official Recognition for E-Commerce Review Scrapping Tool
There are many ad-hoc requirements internally along with previous projects. To reduce manual efforts and save the cost of organization, automation is highly desirable. We are developing many automatic tools which is adding value to the organization every day. Example of some tools are: automatic review scrapping from e-commerce sites, automatic recommended spare list (RSL) validation, and so on.

Recognition for Project 1 & & Recognition for Project 4

Junior Data Scientist

Tookitaki Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
(April 2018 - February 2019)


Project: Reconciliation Management System (RMS) for Banking Solutions
RMS provides a matching solution between Source and Ledger transactions which is a major problem for several banks such as OCBC, HSBC and so on.

To solve the above problem, we are using some machine-learning, feature-engineering and rule-based techniques which are as follows:
-- Machine Learning Algorithms: Decision Tree, Linear Regression, Random Forest.
-- Feature Identification Techniques: Bag-of-words, N-Grams, making features based on business logic.
-- Rule-Based Techniques: Based on our requirement, modifying an existing algorithm such as "Subset-Sum" and using other few existing algorithms like "Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)", "Longest Common Substring (LCS)", and so on. Finding out many new patterns using Regular Expression.

Junior Research Fellow (R&D)

E-Business Centre of Excellence Lab
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (April 2016 - March 2018)

Research Obejctives

Project: E-Business Centre of Excellence > Data Analytics > Sentiment Analysis of UGC (User Generated Content)
Research and Development Objectives :
1. Developed a procedure for automatic creation of n-gram sentiment dictionary.
2. Developed a procedure for cross-domain sentiment analysis using the above.
3. Developed a support system using the above dictionary and procedure for aiding the buyer’s purchase decision.

Journal 1 && Journal 2 && Conference 1 && Conference 2

Scientific Officer (R&D)

Brain Computing Interface Lab
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (June 2015 - March 2016)

Research Obejctives

Project: Brain Computer Interface
Research and Development Objective :
In this project, our main objective was to detect left-hand and right-hand movement from the "electroencephalography" (EEG) single which is generated from our thinking. To collect the data we used an EEG collector device (EMOTIV EPOC+ - 14 Channel Wireless EEG Headset). Based on this work, we have published a conference paper.


Software Developer (JAVA)

Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd.
(September 2014 - June 2015)


Project: Web development for "XL-CATLIN"
XL-CATLIN is a big insurance company in USA. Each insurance company maintains three centers such as "Policy Center", "Claim Center" and "Billing Center". To handle each centre automatically by user-interface, needed to develop some web application.
To solve the above problem, we took initiative to develop such kind of system using "Guideware" software package because this software has some inbuilt functions for all three centers. That's why Guideware was the best choice for the project. Guidware is a JAVA based Application.