Selected Publications


Dey, A., Jenamani, M., & Thakkar, J. J. (2019). Cross-D-vectorizers: a set of feature-spaces for cross-domain sentiment analysis from consumer review. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78(16), 23141-23159.

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Dey, A., Jenamani, M., & Thakkar, J. J. (2018). Senti-N-Gram: An n-gram lexicon for sentiment analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 103, 92-105.

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Sentiment wEight of N-grams in Dataset (SEND)

Dey, A., Jenamani, M., & Thakkar, J. J. (2017, December). Sentiment wEight of N-grams in Dataset (SEND): A Feature-set for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification. In 2017 Ninth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

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Lexical TF-IDF

Dey, A., Jenamani, M., & Thakkar, J. J. (2017, December). Lexical TF-IDF: An n-gram feature space for cross-domain classification of sentiment reviews. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (pp. 380-386). Springer, Cham.

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